The Library may cover article processing charges (APCs) for journals that are not included in our publishing agreements.
Information for new users:
We recommend that you sign up as a user of the QNL Scholarly Publishing Center before submitting a new request. You will be able to track all request history when you log in.
A user who has not previously signed up will receive a welcome email requiring them to register before the ticket appears in the system. The ticket may take a couple of minutes to show up on the system.
To apply for funding, please review the open access funding criteria and submit an Open Access Fund Application request:
1. Click on Submit a Request on the top right menu.
2. Choose the Open Access Fund Application.
We also are piloting a new process of pre-booking, in which authors can receive confirmation for funding before their article has been accepted by the publisher. To qualify for this, please select the “Pre-booking” option on the application form or contact us for more details.
Click here for more information about the Publishing Fund, including criteria and the fund process.
Kindly note that the Library has several agreements with publishers to cover APCs. Please visit this page to find out more about the agreements before submitting an application.